Joining Your DUP Region or Network


Mentored Leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace pay their annual Leaders Guild fees either

1) directly to DUP International, or

2) included in their dues payment to their DUP Region. From this dues payment,

regions pass on their Leaders Guild fees to Dances of Universal Peace International.


If you reside in: Pay your Leaders Guild fees:

United States,


Latin America,


World Wide Region (any country not listed below)


Go to this page to pay your Leaders Guild fees directly to DUP International.



Pay your dues to the Australia DUP Region


Pay your dues to the German DUP Region (NdL)

The Netherlands

Pay your dues to Dansen van Universele Vrede (VDN)
New Zealand

Pay your dues to DUPANZ


Pay your dues to the Swiss DUP Network

United Kingdom

Pay your dues to UK Network


Alternative Payment Methods for Worldwide Region Members

A) Send a Check. To pay using check send your name, address, email address and mentor's name along with your payment to:

Dances of Universal Peace International
PO Box 55994
Seattle, WA 98155-0994, USA

B) Pay via Western Union. Go to any Western Union location worldwide,

follow instructions and send your $36 Leader Guild Fee to:

Name: Martha Bracken
City, State, Country: Seattle, Washington, USA

