Data Protection
We take seriously the confidentiality and security of the data you share with us. This briefing explains in more detail how we do this.
1 Contact
If you have any questions about data protection or data security relating to Dances of Universal Peace International, please contact Vakil Carlos Rojas, Executive Director email.
2. Scope
General data Protection Regulations come/came into force on May 25th, 2018 for European Union individuals. DUP IN Board have decided that the standards in these regulations will be applied to all individuals for whom we hold data ie leaders inside and beyond the European Union, specifically including North America.
The regulations are explained here:
4. We are required to identify and document
• the purposes for which personal data are processed
• the lawful basis for this
• the justification for this lawful basis.
We identify these with reference to the Leaders Guild as follows:
4.1 Purpose 1
We contact you, your mentor, your mentees about fees, mentoring, changes in status
Lawful basis: legitimate interest
Justification: without this information we could not run the Leaders Guild
note – for this, we only need information on your city, country, telephone number and email address.
4.2 Purpose 2
We contact you by mobile phone in addition to your landline
Lawful basis: consent: when you log in to My Info, if we do not already have your identified mobile phone number, you have an option whether you choose to provide it or not
Justification: it makes us more effective in running the Leaders Guild
4.3 Purpose 3
We want to email you with newsletters – lawful basis: legitimate interest
… with announcements eg Wali Ali teleconference – lawful basis: legitimate interest
… to request donations to DUP IN – lawful basis: legitimate interest
justification for these: this is part of our core activity, but maybe it still needs specific consent
… to request donations to the Dargah – lawful basis: consent
justification: this is closely related to the core aims of our organization, but would need your prior consent if we contact you exclusively about this.
4.4 Purpose 4
We want to offer you the opportunity to take part in online forums moderated by delegated members of the Leaders Guild (listserves, such as Google groups) to discuss matters of common interests to other leaders, or (for mentors) other mentors.
Lawful basis: legitimate interest
Justification: these forums are intended to be a service to leaders or mentors as part of their development as leaders. We will contact you to allow you to opt in to such groups.
4.5 Purpose 5
We want you to be able to contact potential mentors/MITs near you
Lawful basis: legitimate interest
Justification: this is a core activity for dance leaders
4.6 Purpose 6
We want you to be able to contact LG members worldwide, to share your LG interests eg visiting your town from abroad, questions about dances you originated, links to events you are organizing, sharing discussion of translations of dances into your language
Lawful basis: legitimate interest
Justification: this is a core activity for our organization
note – for this, we only need information on your city, country, telephone number and email address.
4.7 Purpose 7
Use of the DUP IN moderated facebook group
DUP IN moderates a facebook group as a way of fostering contacts which deepen dance leadership. Leaders Guild members can opt in to this group.
Lawful basis: legitimate interest
Justification: a way of fostering contacts which deepen dance leadership
5 Data security
Name and contact data for leaders resident in North America are shared with DUP North America (DUP NA): DUP NA administrators may contact these people by post or other means, and may access contact details for other leaders.
If you are a member of a Dance Region which collects data and Leaders Guild fees on behalf of DUP IN (eg in UK, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia or Aotearoa/New Zealand), we will receive from and exchange data as necessary with your regional organization only so as to keep our leader records up to date.
We will not otherwise share your data with any third party.
Your personal data are password-protected. In case of queries about your access, please contact Vakil Carlos Rojas, Executive Director email. Leaders are encouraged to update their password regularly at My Info.
Additional steps are being taken in May 2018 to increase data security:
• contact forms will be introduced so that a leader can be contacted by email without their email being made available to the sender. IN and where relevant NA administrators will still have access to a leader's email details.
• street addresses will be hidden so that postal addresses are available only to IN and where relevant NA administrators.
6. Your use of data available to you as a dance leader
We ask you
• to keep your contact details up to date, either by editing them in My Info, or by contacting one of our team – see How to contact us
• to let us know when you cease to be an active mentored leader of the dances of universal peace
• not to misuse data for other purposes eg to sell products to other leaders or to do mailings about your events based on Leaders Guild data. Events can be publicized through facebook groups for the dances of universal peace (cf 4.7 above).
7. Right to be forgotten
When you cease being a member of the Leaders Guild, you can exercise your right to be forgotten, and, on request, your details will be removed from our records.
8. Data retention
DUP IN will keep under review the period of retention for leaders' records after a leader ceases to be an active member of the Leaders Guild, bearing in mind that leaders can resume membership after as many as ten years.
Rawtenstall, England.
May 8, 2018