Articles, Papers and Resources
The Mentor Teachers Guild offers these resouces by Murshid Samuel Lewis, Hazrat Inayat Khan and others on spiritual attunement and Dance and Walk fundamentals. Please note all papers are in .pdf format. To download and view these documents you must install the free software Adobe Reader on your computer. Click here to download and install Adobe Reader:
Resource Topics On this Page
Attunement and Development of the Dance Leader Musicianship and Sound Metaphysics Traditions - Attunements and Introductions to Key Religions |
Attunement and the Development of the Dance Leader
The Bestowing of Blessing, Chapter 18, Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Kashf: Insight, Gatha, Series II: Number 8, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Kashf: Insight, Gatha, Series III: Number 10, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Mental Purification, Chapter 3, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis and Moineddin Jablonski, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Murakkabah: Concentration, Githa, Series I: Number 1 and 10, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Naqshibandi: Symbology, Gatha, Series II: Number 7, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978. "The Glance"
Path of Initiation and Discipleship, Gatheka, Chapters 2 and 7, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Ryazat: Esotericism, Githa, Series I: Number 4b, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978. "Wazifa"
Takua Taharat: Everyday Life, Gatha, Series II: Numbers 7 and 9, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
There is No Sufi Here - by Tasnmic Hermila Fernandez
201 Suras on the Breath: An Original Sangatha, Number 60, Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Forty Lessons on the Breath, Samuel L. Lewis (ed: Moineddin Jablonski), Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Pasi Anfas: Breath, Gatha, Series I: Number 6, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978. "The Rhythm of Breath"
Pasi Anfas: Breath, Gatha, Series II: Number 6, Hazrat Inayat Khan with Commentary by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978. "Be Conscious of Every Breath"
Musicianship and Sound Metaphysics
The Metaphysics of Sound, Series I: Numbers 5, 8 and 10, Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Metaphysics of Sound Number 5 | Metaphysics of Sound Number 10 |
Metaphysics of Sound Number 8 |
Musicianship for the Dances of Universal Peace by Munir Peter Reynolds
Mysticism of Sound and Music - Excerpts - by Hazrat Inyat Khan
Spiritual Dance and Leadership
Group Dance as Transformation Movement by Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz
The Deeper Side of Dance - A series of articles written in the 1990's by Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz, a co-founder of the Dance network and originator of many wonderful dances.
Spiritual Dancing, Chapters 3, 9, 11 and 12 by Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1978.
Spiritual Dancing Chapter 3 | Spiritual Dancing Chapter 11 |
Ten Keys to Dancing by Wali Ali Meyer
Steps Toward Peace Through Spiritual Dance and Walk by Murshid Samuel Lewis
Traditions - Attunements and Introductions to Key Religions
Buddhism by Anahata Iradah Buddhism by Darvesha MacDonald Hindu-Inspired Dances by Guyatri Bloomberg Islamic and Sufi Traditions by Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz Jesus by Brother Joe Kilikevice Jewish Tradition by Akbar Eric Manolson, Yehezkel Shmuel ben Lev Ya'acov ha levi |
Native American Tradition by Alana Lakhme Lea Om Mani Padme Hum by Darvesha MacDonald Sikh Tradition by Hari Dass Singh Kalsa Great Goddess by Ayesha Foot World Traditions by Radha Buko Zoroastrianism by Mohammed Yahid Johannes Barney |
Dancing with Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmend Murad Chisti) by Wali Ali Meyer
The Dances as Sacred Transmission: Nurturing Growth for the Coming Generations by Saadi Shakur Chisti
Memories of my Teacher, Murshid Samuel L. Lewis by Sara Morgan
Memories of Murshid Samuel Lewis by Abraham Sussman
Memories of Murshid Samuel Lewis by Yasmin Spiegel
Meeting Murshid Samuel Lewis by Azimat Sally Schreiber-Cohn
Background and Purpose of the Walks by Wali Ali Meyer Introduction to Astrological Yoga Dances by Samuel Lewis
Ten Keys to Leading the Walks by Kamae Miller and Neil Douglas-Klotz Ten Lessons on Spiritual Walking Practice by Samuel Lewis |