

Los papeles de Comentarios aquí anotados fueron transcritos de charlas o escritos de Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan entre 1911 y 1926. Más adelante Murshid Samuel L. Lewis elaboró más respecto a los temas, por petición de su maestro Hazrat Inayat Khan. Esta Bibliografía refleja materia citado de su fuente original o del comentario posterior de acuerdo al primer nombre que se anota.

Todos los Papeles de comentarios o Esotéricos escritos por Murshid Samuel L. Lewis están confiados a la Sufí Ruhaniat Internacional, copyright 1978. Están disponibles a través de SRI para los miembros de la Cofradía de Líderes.

El Camino del Lider de Danzas

1 Samuel L. Lewis, “Steps Toward Peace Through Spiritual Dance and Walk,” in Spiritual Dance and Walk: An Introduction to the Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Meditations of Samuel L. Lewis. 35. 3rd revised edition; edited by Neil Douglas-Klotz. Fairfax, CA: PeaceWorks Center for the Dances of Universal Peace, 1990.

2 _____, “Spiritual Dancing,” in Manual for Teachers of Spiritual Dance. 10-12. Compilation of Dances and Walks from the work of Murshid SAM, by early SIRS [sic] community. San Francisco: Sufi Islamia Ruhaniat Society and Cold Mountain Music, revised 1980.

3 _____, Commentary on Ryazat: Esotericism. Githa I: 4b; 17.


1 Samuel L. Lewis, Sufi Vision and Initiation: Meetings with Remarkable Beings. Diary entry January 1970, 331. Edited by Neil Douglas-Klotz. San Francisco: Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1986.

Elementos de Maestría

1 Saadi Shakur Chishti (Neil Douglas-Klotz), “The Dances and Sacred Transmission: Nurturing Growth for the Coming Generations.” 2002 paper revised June 2009.

2 Samuel L. Lewis, Introduction to Spiritual Brotherhood: Science, Mysticism & the New Age. 58. San Francisco/Novato: Sufi Islamia/Prophecy Publications, 1981.

3 ____, Commentary on Naqshibandi: Symbology. Gatha II: 7; 32.

4 Wali Ali Meyer, “Background and Purpose of the Walks,” in Foundation Dances and Walks Manual. 3rd revised edition, compiled by Radha Tereska Buko. Seattle: PeaceWorks International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace, 2001.

5 Samuel L. Lewis, Commentary on Pasi Anfas: Breath. Gatha II: 6; 29.

6 Inayat Khan, Commentary Paper, Pasi Anfas: Breath. Gatha I: 6; 22.

7 _____, Health (on Breath) in The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Vol. 4; 72. New Lebanon: Omega Publications, 1976.

8 Samuel L. Lewis, The Metaphysics of Sound. Series I: 10; 14.

9 Ibid.

10 _____, Siva Siva! / Crescent & Heart. 83. San Francisco: Sufi Ruhaniat International, 1980.

11 _____, Spiritual Dancing. 3; 15.

12 _____, Commentary on Kashf: Insight. Gatha II: 8; 32.

13 Inayat Khan, The Candidates Gathekas, also known as The Enquirer’s Papers. No. 31. New Lebanon: Sufi Order International, 1997-98.

14 _____, The Mysticism of Sound, in The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Vol 2; 56. London: Barrie and Rockliff/Jenkins, 1973.

15 Samuel L. Lewis, The Metaphysics of Sound. Series I: 5; 8.

16 _____, Spiritual Dancing. 4; 21.

17 _____, Bestowing of Blessing. 18; 59.

18 Samuel L. Lewis and Moineddin Jablonski, Commentary on Mental Purification. 3; 33.

19 Samuel L. Lewis, Spiritual Dancing. 9; 43.

20 _____, Commentary on Murakkabah: Concentration. Githa I: 1; 3.

21 Inayat Khan, Commentary Paper, Kashf: Insight. Gatha, III: 10; 43.

22 Samuel L. Lewis, Commentary on Murakkabah: Concentration. Githa I: 10; 45.

23 Inayat Khan, Complete Sayings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. 56. New Lebanon: Sufi Order Publications, 1978.

24 Samuel L. Lewis, Book of Peace. Series II: 7; 34.

25 _____, Commentary on Path of Initiation and Discipleship. Gatheka: 7; 105.

26 Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz, “A Deeper Side of Dance.” #8 in Series. Originally appeared in “The Deeper Side of the Dance” column in We Circle Around, Journal of the International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace. September 1999, Issue #2. Seattle: INDUP.

27 Samuel L. Lewis, Commentary on Takua Taharat: Everyday Life. Gatha III: 9; 37.

28 Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Sound, in The Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Vol 2; 13-16. London: Barrie and Rockcliff/Jenkins, 1973.

29 Samuel L. Lewis, Spiritual Dancing. 3; 19.

30 _____, 201 Suras on the Breath: An Original Sangatha. 60; 13.

31 _____, Spiritual Dancing. 11; 52.

32 ____, The Metaphysics of Sound. Series I; 8; 11.

33 Ibid.

34 Wali Ali Meyer, “Ten Keys to Dancing,” in Foundation Dances and Walks Manual. 3rd revised edition, compiled by Radha Tereska Buko. Seattle: PeaceWorks International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace, 2001.

35 _____, “Dancing with Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmed Murad Chishti).” Ibid.

36 Samuel L. Lewis, Bowl of Saki Commentary. July 5. Eugene: Sufi Islamia/Prophecy Publications, 1981.


