Pay Leaders Guild Fees


Dance Leaders residing in the United States1, Canada, Latin America and in the

World Wide Region2 pay their Leader Guild fees directly to DUP International using a payment method below.

Leaders residing in Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, or United Kingdom 

click here for more information.

If you are a new mentee, or a mentee returning after an absence, please be sure your mentor has sent the Community Coordinator your name, address, telephone, and email before paying your fees using a method below.



If you have a financial hardship paying all or a portion of your fees, click here

for information about applying to our Fee Support Program.


Payment Methods:

1) Credit Card/PayPal - using one of the following three options:

Please note that you can pay using Paypal, either with your Paypal account or by credit card; but we cannot accept credit card payments direct to our office.



Click on the button below to use your PayPal account to set up a recurring payment of your $36 Leaders Guild fees automatically each year. You can also include an optional donation. This option simplifies your annual fees payment and helps us greatly by reducing billing costs. You may choose to add a donation in one of the amounts specified.



Payment options
LG fee for (name of leader):
Leader's mentor:







Click on the button below to use your PayPal account to set up a recurring monthly payment of $3.30 (includes PayPal transaction fees) to pay your annual Leaders Guild fees. This gives you the option to pay a small monthly amount and helps us greatly by reducing billing costs.



LG fee for (name of leader):
Leader's mentor:








Click on the button below to use your PayPal account to pay your $36 Leaders Guild fees one year only. You can also include an optional donation. (Use Your Credit Card or PayPal account. No PayPal Account required.) 

Payment options
LG fee for (name of leader):
Leader's mentor:


2) Send a check or money order in US dollars. To pay using a check or money order, please send your name, address, email address and mentor's name along with your payment to:


Dances of Universal Peace International
PO Box 55994
Seattle, WA 98155-0994, USA


3) Send money by Western Union

Please contact Martha in our Seattle office, and send her your name, country and ten-digit tracking number.







1 As of January 1, 2014 DUP North America (DUPNA) no longer collects Leaders Guild fees along with membership dues from US and Canadian leaders.

Please note that Leaders Guild Fees are the annual fee required to be in the Leaders Guild, and not a donation. Therefore they are not federally tax-deductible in the U.S. Naturally, gifts and donations to DUP International are deductible in the U.S. and always welcome.

2 A leader resides in the World Wide Region if they live in a country not listed among the bolded countries at the top of this page.


