DUP IN Small Grants Program


The next grant cycle opens on 2 January, and runs to 1 December, 2023.

Applications will be accepted for review at any time during this period.



With a generous gift from the Oneness Project, Dances of Universal Peace International (DUP IN) is happy to promote a small grants program.

For what?
The program will award grants of up to $500 USD for projects that support the transmission of the Dances of Universal Peace.

For whom?
Applications will be accepted from the organizers of events and activities that promote the Dances of Universal Peace, and are members of the Leaders Guild.

Our goals
Grants will be awarded to projects that meet the following criteria:

Priority will be given to grant applications for projects that

Bringing the Dances to new areas
If you are wanting to seed the Dances and Walks in local communities where the Dances have not previously been introduced, we will be looking for a development plan over at least 3 years. Please contact us with more details about your plans and to discuss how we might be able to support you.

The next grant cycle opens on 2 January, 2023 and runs until 1 December, 2023. Awards will be made during the course of the year.

Applications related to in-person training events, camps, retreats, etc. scheduled more than six months ahead
will be considered, but funds will not be released this year and until the threat of event/training cancellation has passed.


The DUP IN small grants application is available here. Once completed, click “submit” and the application will be sent to the grants review committee.

We will provide assistance to non-English speaking grant applicants.

If you have questions or need help with your application, please contact

Rukmini Miller, Grants Manager, email for English-language applications.


Grants Committee 2021-2
Grants Manager: Rukmini Miller (USA/South Africa)
Roxana Nur Jehan Campos-Araya (Chile)
Samra Aziza Nuri Sadiković (Bosnia)
Khabir Christian Mayer-Glauninger (Germany)